Although it may seem cost-effective to reimburse your employees for their personal vehicle use on company time, a commercial lease for your company vehicles can be very cost effective. Generally you would pay your employees between $500 and $1000 per month depending on your employee’s position. Or, you can reimburse based on mileage usage, directly paying your employees for the actual use of their vehicles for business.
When leasing, you are able to provide your employees with late-model, safe and well-maintained vehicles. You are able to reduce the liability that an employee may be involved in an accident while on company business, if you are able to ensure that they are driving a safe vehicle and covered with the proper insurance.
Reimbursement requires your employees to spend time and energy saving receipts and filling out reports, as well as maintaining their personal vehicles. When leasing for your employees, you are able to take those burdens off of them. When leasing, you are able to leave maintenance and other administrative headaches to your fleet management partner if you choose the right company.
If you are interested in saving your company time and money visit Kline today or give us a call at (816)554-3344
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